Spirituality: A Life Force details the author's journey from a material world of the ego to the world of the spiritual. It details her transformation to a new awareness of herself as a child of God--which produced profound changes in her life. -----------------"Spiritual teachers" along the way exemplified a distinct spiritual energy. She admits that without understanding this "vital spiritual energy", nothing in her life, had meaning, or resolution. This vital force became essential to a joyful existence. ------------------Relationships changed and healed as spiritual solutions were sought. Spirituality opens up the possibility of a new life--a new view of self--by living not as a child of the world but, with the life force of spirituality, living as a child of God.
Christine A. Adams, has published 16 books on spirituality, addiction, relationships and grief. A grief handbook called ABC's of Grief : A Handbook for Survivors is available on www.amazon.com--as well as Claiming Your Own Life, Holy Relationships, and Living In Love. Elf Help book, One Day At A Time Therapy, and children's Elf Help, Happy To Be Me, are available on www.carenotes.com. See books at www.christineaadams.com.